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  • Immortality Now - Dr Valter Longo - Aug 2022

The Forum at


I am very proud to announce the next great step for the advancement of antiaging medicine. The Forum at is the newest platform for open honest, uncensored discussion for advanced medical intelligence and clinical wisdom open to all people to share health information and opinion in an honest non-commercial non-biased arena. We will all benefit from the combined intelligence of top physicians and medical scientists and researchers in all areas of antiaging medicine. I invite you to join us and help make the new Forum the gathering place for longevity science as it is destined and designed to be. Your participation will guarantee our success. This will translate into a healthier and happier world for us all. Together, we cannot fail to discover the answers to health and longevity, and bring these into our common reality.

May God bless you all,
Dr. Ron Klatz , Founder and Publisher,

Clear all Calendar of Events

The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine hosts medical events across the United States. We invite you to join us for expert lectures from Functional and Integrative specialists about how the worlds of health and anti-aging medicine are evolving to help people live longer and experience more fulfilling lives.

Calendar of Events at

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Medical Editors at Medical Editors

Medical Editors: (pictured above)
Robert M. Goldman, MD, PhD, DO, FAASP, Dr. Ronald Klatz, MD, DO, Dr. Joseph C. Maroon, MD, Dr Nicholas DiNubile, MD, Carol Petersen, RPh, CNP

Forum Moderators:
Dr. William Clearfield, Dr. Salaheldrin Halassa, Dr. Kirby Hotchner, Richard Longland, Michael Boehmer, Dr. Martin Dayton, Dr. Joseph James, Dr. Joseph Purita, Dr. Joel Kahn

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