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Insights for DNA Repair Herald Better Cancer Therapies

Canadian team makes key discoveries as to how BRCA1 and TopBP1 influence DNA repair.

DNA replication is activated by the enzyme, ATR kinase, a process that requires two proteins – BRCA1 and TopBP1.  Mark Glover, from the University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (Canada), and colleagues have observed that BRCA1 scans DNA constantly for damage, at the first sign of which it signals for repair proteins to activate.  Interestingly, the team found that TopBP1, which ensures that DNA is able to replicate, activates proteins when the process is damaged – but does so in a vastly different way.  The study authors submit that these signaling differences may represent a potential arena for innovative cancer therapies.


Charles Chung Yun Leung, Luxin Sun, Zihua Gong, Michael Burkat, Ross Edwards, Mark Assmus, Junjie Chen, J.N. Mark Glover.  “Structural Insights into Recognition of MDC1 by TopBP1 in DNA Replication Checkpoint Control.”  Structure, Volume 21, Issue 8, 6 August 2013, Pages 1450-1459.