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Secrets Of Aging Revealed In Largest Study On Longevity, Aging In Reptiles And Amphibians

Secrets Of Aging Revealed In Largest Study On Longevity, Aging In Reptiles And Amphibians

Image: A painted turtle ( Chrysemys picta), a widespread North American species of freshwater turtle.  Credit: Beth A. Reinke, Northeastern Illinois University At 190 years old, Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise recently made news for being the “oldest living land animal in the world.” Although anecdotal evidence like this exists that some species of turtles and …

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Study Identifies Factor In ‘Young Blood’ That Helps Rejuvenate Aged Mouse Muscle

End To End Blood Testing Device

As we age, our muscles gradually become smaller, weaker, and less able to heal after injury. In a new study, UPMC and University of Pittsburgh researchers pinpoint an important mediator of youthfulness in mouse muscle, a discovery that could advance muscle regeneration therapies for older people. Published in Nature Aging, the study demonstrates that circulating …

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Naturally Occurring Protein Could Reverse Severe Muscle Wasting In Disease, Aging And Trauma


An exciting discovery by Monash University scientists may lead to faster recovery from muscle injury and wasting diseases. Novel factor found that triggers muscle stem cells to regenerate: complete muscle replacement and movement achieved in mouse models When we tear a muscle stem cells within it repair the problem. We can see this occurring not …

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A Diet Rich In Plant-Based Products Reduces Risk Of Cognitive Impairment In The Elderly

A Diet Rich In Plant-Based Products Reduces Risk Of Cognitive Impairment In The Elderly

Metabolomics to study the impact of diet on health: The study reveals a protective association regarding cognitive impairment of metabolites derived from cocoa, coffee, mushrooms, red wine, and polyphenol-rich foods, and a detrimental role for artificial sweeteners. A diet rich in plant products reduces the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia in the elderly. This …

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Anti-Aging Potential Of Methylene Blue

Anti-Aging Potential Of Methylene Blue

As far as skin in concerned oxidative stress is a major contributor to skin aging which causes pigmentation, wrinkles, and weakened wound healing. Antioxidants in skin care applications are accepted as an effective method to help delay these processes. Methylene blue has shown potent reactive oxygen species scavenging efficacy in human skin cultured fibroblasts derived …

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Fisetin Within Strawberries Clears Senescent Cells

Strawberries Prevent Dementia and Cognitive Decline

In a recent mouse study fisetin has been found to clear senescent cells. The study can be found in EBioMedicine which was published by the prestigious LANCET; “Fisetin is a senotherapeutic that extends health and lifespan”. With age cells increasingly enter a state of senescence, normally apoptosis and the immune system clear these cells away, …

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Age Fighting Foods

Age Fighting Foods

For a long a healthy life one must eat well, but what are the best foods to help achieve this? The top countries in the world with the highest life expectancy are Singapore, Japan, and the Principality of Monaco. These are places where the inhabitants experience a high quality of life to which a key …

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Grow Younger With Tom Brady's HGH

Grow Younger With Tom Brady's HGH

Tom vs Time, Facebook’s Tom Brady Story  Even if you are not a NFL Football fan, or interested in sports at all. If you have found your way to this site, you probably are interested in alternative ways, and new technologies to keep yourself healthier. Some call this Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine like the American Academy …

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Printing Human Body Parts: Bio-Ink Drops Showing Promise for Regenerative Medicine

Printing Human Body Parts: Bio-Ink Drops Showing Promise for Regenerative Medicine

Printing of human body parts may seem like it’s science fiction to some individuals, but it is rapidly becoming a technology of science reality.  A method of making bioink droplets to stick to each other using an enzyme driven crosslinking method has been developed by researchers from Osaka University that increases the range of cell …

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5 New Regions of the Genome that Increase Risk of Asthma Discovered

5 New Regions of the Genome that Increase Risk of Asthma Discovered

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that is estimated to affect more than 300 million people around the world with close to 10-20% of that being children. Asthma carries as significant socio-economic impact. Asthma results from both exposure to lifestyle and environmental factors, and is characterized by clinical heterogeneity.   By Dr. Ronald Klatz, MD, …

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