Body Rework: Russian Biohackers Pushing Boundaries

Body Rework: Russian Biohackers Pushing Boundaries

Biohacking is the practice of exploiting genetic materials to change human chemistry and physiology through science and self-experimentation in attempts to energize and enhance the body, whether the process be approved and regulated or not; this a broad definition, but that is because the idea of “biohacking” is constantly evolving. One of these people is …

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The Quest For Immortality Pushes Forward

Hormona del crecimiento, terapia antienvejecimient

Sooner or later everyone dies. That very fact and subsequent fear drives the way many people go about their day to day lives. Some live as methodically and cautiously as possible trying to stay in this earthly realm as long as possible; while others go full out opting to spend their time enjoying life to …

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Grow Younger With Tom Brady's HGH

Grow Younger With Tom Brady's HGH

Tom vs Time, Facebook’s Tom Brady Story  Even if you are not a NFL Football fan, or interested in sports at all. If you have found your way to this site, you probably are interested in alternative ways, and new technologies to keep yourself healthier. Some call this Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine like the American Academy …

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Four Cups of Coffee a Day Could Decrease Mortality

Drinking Coffee Can Fight Disease and Increase Longevity

Doesn’t the title say it all? A recently released study from Spain involving 19,986 coffee drinkers is music to the ears of countless millions of people on earth that drink coffee. The research followed participants for 14 years, and found that an average of four cups a day could reduce the likelihood of early death …

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Scientists Freeze and Restore Brain for First Time

Scientists Freeze and Restore Brain for First Time

In a step towards eternal life, scientists managed to freeze the brain of a rabbit and then revived it. Scientists from 21st Century Medicine (21CM) attempted to preserve the brain of a rabbit by applying a technique known as Aldehyde­stabilized cryopreservation (ASC). The team, led by recent Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate Robert McIntyre, wrote …

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Will head transplants create an entirely new person?


Reported by The world’s first full head transplant could take place as soon as 2017 if the controversial plans by Italian neuroscientist Dr Sergio Canavero come to pass. Wheelchair-bound Valery Spiridonov, who has the muscle-wasting Werdnig Hoffman disease, has volunteered to have his head transplanted onto a healthy body in a day-long operation. Read …

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"Immortal" jellyfish invading the world's oceans


By gary clark Originally from the Caribbean, the Turritopsis Nutricula jellyfish is now invading the world’s oceans thanks to a unique characteristic. It is the only known species able to transform back into its juvenile form – essentially becoming immortal.   In most instances, Turritopsis reproduce like all species: the meeting of free-floating eggs and …

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Back From the Dead


By Bill Freeman Cooper may be without honor in his own home, but mention his name at the Fujita Health University Hospital, just outside the industrial city of Nagoya, Japan, and surgeons light up with recognition. He’s been there a few times, collaborated with them on a book chapter, and told them about Candice Ivey …

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Closing in on the Cure for Death by Aubrey de Grey


By Bill Freeman Time is on your side if you’re under 30, suggests biogerontologist Aubrey de Grey in an optimistic discussion of healthy life extension. With more than 20 first-author publications in the past six years, de Grey is a leader in turning healthy life extension hopes into reality. This article is based on an …

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