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Cheat Days: Snacking On Road Trips

Top 5 Reasons To Take A Road Trip For Mental Health

Road trips are seen as a cheat day, according to a random double opt-in survey of 2,005 general population Americans conducted by OnePoll on behalf of HI-Chew, 71% agree that road trips are given a hall pass for snacking. If given a choice for method of travel 38% of the respondents would travel by car …

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Body Rework: Russian Biohackers Pushing Boundaries

Body Rework: Russian Biohackers Pushing Boundaries

Biohacking is the practice of exploiting genetic materials to change human chemistry and physiology through science and self-experimentation in attempts to energize and enhance the body, whether the process be approved and regulated or not; this a broad definition, but that is because the idea of “biohacking” is constantly evolving. One of these people is …

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La nanotecnología ha marcado un antes y un después en la historia de la ciencia y la tecnología. Su capacidad de análisis, estructura y diseño, la hacen una de las más poderosas a nivel mundial. Esta opción ha permitido que se hayan resuelto cientos de problemas y enigmas médicos. En ese contexto, un nuevo estudio …

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World’s First Human Brain-to-Brain Interface

World’s First Human Brain-to-Brain Interface

The world’s first noninvasive human-to-human brain interface is achieved via electrical brain recordings and a form of magnetic stimulation. University of Washington (Washington, USA) researchers have performed what they believe is the first noninvasive human-to-human brain interface, with one researcher able to send a brain signal via the Internet to control the hand motions of …

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