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Health (Mis) Information And Social Media (TikTok)

Now Trending: Volume Eating

Social media has become a part of many people’s lives, for better or worse. They can provide entertainment and a variety of information ranging from home improvement to trending dances and world news. Some reports even suggest that younger people prefer using social media platforms rather than using traditional search engines when looking for answers, …

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Apple Looking To Strengthen Wearables Dominance

Apple Looking To Strengthen Wearables Dominance

The tech giant Apple is looking to continue its drive towards dominance in the health wearables market by hiring another leading cardiologist Daivd Tsay, professor of cardiology at Columbia University Medical Center, who joins Alexis Beatty previously of the University of Washington. Healthcare spending exceeds $3.5 billion in America alone, Apple and others from BigTech …

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Grow Younger With Tom Brady's HGH

Grow Younger With Tom Brady's HGH

Tom vs Time, Facebook’s Tom Brady Story  Even if you are not a NFL Football fan, or interested in sports at all. If you have found your way to this site, you probably are interested in alternative ways, and new technologies to keep yourself healthier. Some call this Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine like the American Academy …

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Facebook May Boost Cognitive Skills


Men and women ages 65+ could boost their cognitive function by learning to use Facebook. With social media playing an ever more prominent role in how people communicate today, preliminary research findings from the University of Arizona (Arizona, USA) suggest that men and women ages 65+ could boost their cognitive function by learning to use …

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