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Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss: How it works and Tips for Success

Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss: How it works and Tips for Success

Intermittent fasting has been around since the 1800s but really came around again in the 200s. Studies have taken a closer look at the weight-loss approach and have come up with a number of benefits.  There are a lot of different approaches to intermittent fasting, including the times you can and cannot eat and what …

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Sarcopenia: Age-Related Muscle Loss

Rapamycin May Suppress Muscle Aging & Prevent Sarcopenia

Sarcopenia, the muscle loss related to aging, may start slowly in your thirties and continue progressing with growing rapidity into your seventies. It is not identified with definite biomarkers as medical practitioners prefer to use today. Sarcopenia tends to get an “I know it when I see it” sort of diagnosis. Although this difficulty in …

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Anti-Aging Secrets For Maximum Lifespan

Anti-Aging Secrets For Maximum Lifespan

Originally titled Hormones of Youth: Grow 10 years younger in 10 weeks with the new therapeutics of Anti-Aging Medicine this edition titled Anti-Aging Secrets for Maximum Lifespan is a comprehensive primer on life-enhancing, life-extending medical care written by the founder of anti-aging medicine. This book provides sensible do-it-yourself tips to help readers live long and …

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Todas las especies que coexisten en el mundo tienen en común la disminución del HGH del crecimiento con el paso del tiempo. Los humanos no estamos exentos a este definido proceso. Todo empieza  en la etapa de 20 a los 30 años, cuando la Hormona del crecimiento disminuye en un 14 o 15%. Y  en …

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Grow Younger With Tom Brady's HGH

Grow Younger With Tom Brady's HGH

Tom vs Time, Facebook’s Tom Brady Story  Even if you are not a NFL Football fan, or interested in sports at all. If you have found your way to this site, you probably are interested in alternative ways, and new technologies to keep yourself healthier. Some call this Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine like the American Academy …

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Growth Hormone Therapy Improves Lipids Profile


Among adults diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency, a three-year long HGH replacement regimen markedly reduced total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides. Adult growth hormone deficiency is a defined syndrome marked by an adverse lipids profile, changes in body fat distribution, and premature atherosclerosis,  At the 92 Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society (ENDO 2010), British researchers …

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