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Investing in Immortality: The Multibillion-Dollar Longevity Science and Anti-Aging Industry

The Regenerative Medicine Market: Current State and Future Outlook

Coupled with a lack of sufficient prevention strategies and clinical interventions for age-related diseases, the enormous growth of the elderly population poses a significant socioeconomic and healthcare challenge worldwide. With life expectancy rising across the globe – save for the short-term declines caused by the COVID-19 pandemic – more patients are expected to suffer from …

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Extending The Human Lifespan

Anti-Aging Senolytic Cocktail Passes First Human Trial

Recently, one of our co-founders, Dr. Robert Goldman, was featured in the Life Section of the Bangkok Post with a candid interview about anti-aging, lifespan, lifestyle, and longevity. The following is that article, we hope that you find it as interesting as we did.  Next week, the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) will organise …

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Could Artificial Hearts Be the Key to Immortality?

AI Accurately Detects Heart Failure From One Heartbeat

Although the current technology isn’t quite at sci-fi level yet, we’re getting closer to a self-sustaining, fully artificial heart. Heart disease kills more people than anything else in the United States. According to the CDC, almost 660,000 people lost their lives to heart disease in 2019. But what about heart transplants, you might ask? Well, …

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Artificial Hearts: Could They Be the Key to Immortality?

World’s First Completely Robotic Heart

Although the current technology isn’t quite at sci-fi level yet, we’re getting closer to a self-sustaining, fully artificial heart. Heart disease kills more people than anything else in the United States. According to the CDC, almost 660,000 people lost their lives to heart disease in 2019. But what about heart transplants, you might ask? Well, …

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Stop The Clock: Rules For Immortality

Stop The Clock: Rules For Immortality

The rules for immortality are taken from the book “Stopping the Clock” which was written by Dr. Ron Klatz and Dr. Bob Goldman, who are the co-founders of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). Their book was recently reviewed in The Business Mirror’s Triple Digits Column dedicated to prioritizing books featuring “breakthroughs in age …

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Human 2.0: Will Your Uploaded Mind Still Be You?

Human 2.0: Will Your Uploaded Mind Still Be You?

“..Imagine a place that is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, it is a vast space and as timeless as infinity, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination…”   This place, time, and the day may well …

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Companies Are Racing To Find The Key To Immortality

Having Children Ages Women

Not that long ago the fountain of youth sounded more like something out of science fiction than science fact. The reality is that present day investors are pouring millions into research and start-up companies looking for marketable ways to reverse the aging process. Juvenescence is developing a range of therapies and technologies to help increase …

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The Quest For Immortality Pushes Forward

Hormona del crecimiento, terapia antienvejecimient

Sooner or later everyone dies. That very fact and subsequent fear drives the way many people go about their day to day lives. Some live as methodically and cautiously as possible trying to stay in this earthly realm as long as possible; while others go full out opting to spend their time enjoying life to …

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