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Discovery May Enable Reversal of Smoke-Induced Lung Damage

Discovery May Enable Reversal of Smoke-Induced Lung Damage

A study of mice exposed to tobacco smoke has offered scientists a new insight into the pathology of emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), and offers hope of a new treatment to reverse the lung damage underlying these conditions. A study of mice exposed to tobacco smoke has offered scientists a new insight into …

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Tobacco Smoke Residue Raises Cancer Risks


Tobacco smoke residue that embeds in clothing, home textiles, and other porous surfaces can interact with common chemicals in indoor air to form cancer-causing substances. Tobacco smoke residue, sometimes referred to as “thirdhand smoke,” is  embedded in clothing, home textiles such as carpets and upholstered furniture, and other porous surfaces.  Hugo Destaillats, from Lawrence Berkeley …

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