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Bleak Cyborg Future from Brain-Computer Interfaces if We’re Not Careful

Peter 2.0 Is Live: The First Fully Functioning Human Cyborg

Researchers warn of the potential social, ethical, and legal consequences of technologies interacting heavily with human brains. Surpassing the biological limitations of the brain and using one’s mind to interact with and control external electronic devices may sound like the distant cyborg future, but it could come sooner than we think. Researchers from Imperial College …

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Body Rework: Russian Biohackers Pushing Boundaries

Body Rework: Russian Biohackers Pushing Boundaries

Biohacking is the practice of exploiting genetic materials to change human chemistry and physiology through science and self-experimentation in attempts to energize and enhance the body, whether the process be approved and regulated or not; this a broad definition, but that is because the idea of “biohacking” is constantly evolving. One of these people is …

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Human Head Transplants May Be A Decade Away

Human Head Transplants May Be A Decade Away

Straight out of the pages of a science fiction novel to real life the first human head transplant may only be a decade away according to a former NHS neurosurgeon, after figuring out how to achieve the groundbreaking operation. Former Clinical Lead for Neurosurgery at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Bruce Mathew, is now …

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Human 2.0: Will Your Uploaded Mind Still Be You?

Human 2.0: Will Your Uploaded Mind Still Be You?

“..Imagine a place that is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, it is a vast space and as timeless as infinity, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination…”   This place, time, and the day may well …

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The Quest For Immortality Pushes Forward

Hormona del crecimiento, terapia antienvejecimient

Sooner or later everyone dies. That very fact and subsequent fear drives the way many people go about their day to day lives. Some live as methodically and cautiously as possible trying to stay in this earthly realm as long as possible; while others go full out opting to spend their time enjoying life to …

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