I've had the initial vaccine and one booster, do I need to worry about the spike protein?

See a summary of the ingredients in the Covid shots and what they do on my Substack: https://anitabaxasmd.substack.com/p/what-causes-death-and-disability
Future articles will focus on natural treatments.
Yep ,,,,, Even with no vaccination, you’re still at risk from spike protein by transfection simply being in very close contact or intimate contact with those who are expressing the virus, or the spike proteins, can transmit these to you and if your body develops an immunity, you may be elaborating spike proteins, which seems to be toxic and associated with a multitude of diseases. The CDC reported recently that nearly 100% of blood tested and they are in their theirdevelops an immunity, you may be elaborating spike proteins, which seems to be toxic and associated with a multitude of diseases. The CDC reported recently that nearly 100% of blood tested and they are in their clinical laboratory tested positive for Covid antibodies. It remains to be seen, if non-immunized will develop pathologic levels of the spike proteins.